The stork is coming! How HealthBird can help you prepare

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July 25, 2024

Understanding Qualified Life Event (QLE) can be helpful when you're expecting! A QLE helps you enroll in a timeframe outside the regular open enrollment window when you can qualify for a new health insurance plan due to a qualifying life event. Having a baby is a qualifying event in all states.

It's important to note that while pregnancy itself isn't a QLE under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the birth of your child will be. This is because a new baby affects your household size, and this affects the way your subsidy is calculated.

What to do with our health insurance:

  • Review Your Coverage: Take some time to review your plan details, particularly coverage for prenatal care and delivery. Our dedicated Member Concierge team is here to help you review your plan and answer any specific questions you have.
  • Explore Additional Benefits: Consider benefits that might be valuable for new families, such as vision and dental coverage for both you and your baby. If you're interested in plans with these benefits, our team can help you explore and compare options.
  • Adding Your Baby: Once your baby arrives, it's time to add them to your existing plan. Adding dependents is a breeze with our user-friendly app! Just a few clicks and you're done.

Thinking about starting a family? Here's how HealthBird can help you prepare:

  • Plan ahead: If you're considering starting a family and don't currently have health insurance, explore your options during the next open enrollment period. Consider plans that offer comprehensive maternity coverage. After all, nine months can fly by faster than you think, especially when you're nauseated and exhausted (but happy!).
  • Know your options: Regardless of your provider, research their specific policies regarding pregnancy, special enrollment periods, and adding dependents. Don't let insurance mumbo jumbo give you a headache!
  • Seamless Transitions: With HealthBird, navigating pregnancy and parenthood is worry-free. Our plans are designed to support you every step of the way. 
  • Expert Guidance: Our Member Concierge team is here to answer all your questions about pregnancy coverage, special enrollment options, and adding your baby to your plan. No insurance mumbo jumbo, just clear and helpful information!

Remember, HealthBird is here for you!

Our commitment to your well-being remains a priority. We're here to guide you through every step of your parenthood journey, from preconception to navigating your health insurance plan. Contact our team today – we're happy to answer any questions you may have!

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