Striving for Wellness This Year? Consider HealthBird Your Partner in Crime

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December 23, 2022

Over the past few years, a wellness movement has swept the nation. When everyone was stuck at home during the lockdown, we finally had the time to enjoy making healthy meals, try virtual yoga, and revisit our favorite sports. Living room Zumba? Yes, please! We’re in full support of taking steps to look and feel your best. That said, part of taking charge of your own health is preparing for the elements of it beyond your control. No amount of green drinks or pilates will fix a cavity or a sprained ankle. It won’t catch signs of thyroid issues, anemia, high blood pressure, or diabetes either.

The first step in your wellness plan for this year: Expect the unexpected

If wellness is one of your New Year’s resolutions this year, enroll in medical health insurance that supports your goals before worrying about the rest. Health insurance plans help in two big ways. Firstly, it makes it much more affordable to maintain your health via preventative checkups and screenings. Your primary care doctor can make sure you’re ready to take on that HIIT workout and give you tools to get there if you’re not.

Secondly, medical health insurance plans lessen the blow of unexpected health emergencies. We hope you never have to deal with one, but if it happens, it happens. Waiting until it does will bring all your wellness efforts to a screeching halt. Illness or injury aside, having to pay full price to get medical treatment is stressful enough to make workouts and meal prepping the least of your worries. Monthly premiums are a pain, but they’re much less painful than going into debt over a broken bone or heart problem. Plus, medical health insurance plans are more affordable than ever. Seriously, they’re not nearly as expensive as you think.

Make it your mission this year to have fun with healthcare

We’re not joking. Not even a little. Shopping for health insurance doesn’t seem fun, but it can be. Obama care made it easier to shop for health insurance, but not easy enough. HealthBird is transforming the entire experience of taking care of your health, starting with finding quality health coverage. At first glance, HealthBird is a handy tool to help our members choose their ideal plan with practically no effort – for free. That’s a pretty solid selling point, but our app offers so much more than that.

Our ultimate mission is to give our members intuitive tools to help make their health and wellness goals easier to achieve, like:

  • Browse plans from quality health insurance providers, and sign up with ease (of course!)
  • Enroll in a dental/vision/hearing plan
  • Access insurance cards
  • Find local, in-network healthcare providers
  • Schedule appointments
  • View your electronic medical records
  • Keep track of prescriptions
  • Get medication reminders
  • And more!

When we say “and more,” we mean it. Our team’s mission is to become an integral part of each member’s wellness journey. We’re always looking for new ways to help, so expect the app to roll out new features on the regs.

Not insured yet? Let’s get that one checked off your list

We’re no strangers to procrastination, but it’ll feel so good to know you’re taken care of. If you’re not ready to sign up this minute, just take a few minutes to check out your options. A few easy questions, and you’ll have a list of quotes that you can review at your leisure. Just don’t forget that Open Enrollment only lasts until January 15th, so don’t wait too long! Some states may extend the enrollment window, so check here just to be sure.

Once you’ve signed up, you can access even more features through the HealthBird app, coming soon!

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