How to Use Your Free Digital Medicine Cabinet

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March 12, 2024

Managing your medications isn’t too hard when you only have one or two. If you’re taking several, however, it gets tougher to keep them all straight off the top of your head. This is particularly true as we get older. More than 20% of adults in the U.S. over the age of 40 take at least five prescription drugs. Since mixing up doses or forgetting to take a prescription medication can result in dangerous drug interactions, or worse, staying organized is crucial. HealthBird members can easily add their prescriptions to the app to keep track of them, all in one place. Before you do, these are a few strategies to help you be proactive and stay healthy, no matter if you’re on two medications or 10. 

Make sure you understand your medication routine

Doctors and pharmacists spend years learning about how medications work. Unless you went to medical school (and if you did, props!), it’s totally understandable to get overwhelmed by long, complicated-sounding medical terminology. If you’re unsure about any element of your medication routine, from the exact dose to the timing, double-check with your doctor. Your pharmacist is also a great resource if you need a quick refresher course on how or when you should take your medication. 

Make sure every clinician you go to has a record of all your medications

If you see any specialists in addition to your primary care provider, share all of the medications you’re taking. That way, they can prescribe medications that are safe to take with your existing prescriptions. In the past, that meant either remembering them off the top of your head, bringing them with you, carrying around a list, or requesting records from your other doctors.

Managing your medications with the digital cabinet is so easy, your dog could do it

Assuming your dog doesn’t have thumbs, you’ll have to add your medication to the HealthBird app yourself. 

Lucky for you, it’s not hard. Just download the app, click on the digital cabinet button, and select your medications. – And don’t forget to use the HealthBird Rx Card to save money when you do! If you take other supplements and vitamins, you can add those too! 

To make it extra easy, 

Still have questions? Reach out to our Member Concierge at or call (833) 384-2473.

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