A Step-by-Step Guide to Applying for Health Insurance

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February 27, 2024

Signing up for health insurance used to be frustrating, complicated, and confusing. There are so many factors to consider when shopping for a health plan. 

What health insurance carrier should I go with? 

Is my current doctor covered under my new plan? 

Which tier should I select? 

How much is the monthly premium

What about deductibles and copays

That’s enough information to make anyone’s head spin! Luckily, the HealthBird app makes it so much easier. Just answer a few simple questions, and our AI will curate a collection of the most suitable plans for you. Let’s break it down.

First, answer a few questions about yourself.

Don’t worry, it’s not complicated. To start, just input your: 

  • Five-digit zip code
  • Date of birth
  • Gender assigned at birth
  • Your spouse and/or dependents, if you have any. You can also specify whether or not they need coverage.

From there, input how many people live in your home and your annual household income to see how much you can save. Depending on your income, you may be eligible for a cost-sharing reduction to lower the cost of your monthly premium. Some applicants are even able to get their health insurance plan for as low as $0 a month– No joke! As long as they meet individual qualifications.

Then, estimate how much you expect to use your healthcare benefits. We only ask because plans with lower copays will help reduce the cost of frequent medical appointments. Your response won’t change the coverage you’re eligible for or raise the price. Next, add any healthcare providers you’d like to visit. We’ll curate a list of plans that your doctor of choice accepts. If you have any medications, add them during this step, and we’ll show you which plans cover them.

Next, review your health plan options

After all questions are complete, HealthBird will whip up a list of plans based on your answers. Each plan summary includes:

  • The name of the carrier and plan
  • Your monthly premium
  • Your deductible and drug deductible
  • Applicable copay, primary doctor visits, specialist visits, and generic drugs
  • Your out-of-pocket max

Click on each plan to get more detailed coverage information. Maternity care, imaging, emergency care, you name it! You’ll also be able to review links to the provider’s website.

Like what you see? Hit enroll, and you’re almost finished

Congrats! It’s a match. Add your email address and agree to the terms and conditions. Make sure that all information within your application is honest and accurate. You will have to share your personal information, including your full name, Social Security Number, address, and provide proof of your identity using your driver’s license or passport, along with a few other details.

After you’ve input your information, you’ll get a summary of your plan benefits and costs. If everything looks good, submit your application, and you’re good to go! Benefits typically kick in on the first day of the month following plan selection, so if you sign up on January 15th, you can start using your benefits starting on February 1st. If you enroll on January 16th, then the plan will begin on March 1st.

Still have questions? Reach out to our Member Concierge at hello@healthbird.com or call (833) 384-2473.

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  1. Educational Resources
    The GPT goes beyond surface-level assistance. It offers detailed guides on topics like:
    • How to choose the right health insurance plan.
    • Health insurance myths.
    • Understanding dental and vision coverage essentials.
    • Tips for maximizing your insurance benefits.

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